Florida’s Senate Bill 1718 (2023)

Nailah Lovell نائلة
3 min readMay 7, 2023


The recent signing of the SB 1718 bill by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is disheartening for anyone who values humanity and basic human rights. This bill seeks to restrict access to education, healthcare and employment opportunities for undocumented immigrants, and punishes those who provide them with aid. This action by Governor DeSantis is a sad reflection of the state of humanity in the United States and the world at large.

Under SB 1718, undocumented immigrants are prohibited from receiving state and local government benefits, including in-state tuition at public universities and colleges. Additionally, businesses and individuals who knowingly provide employment or housing to undocumented immigrants could face penalties and fines. This means that many people who have come to the United States seeking a better life will be denied access to education and job opportunities, and could potentially be pushed further into the margins of society.

According to data from the American Immigration Council, there are an estimated 775,000 undocumented immigrants living in Florida, making up approximately 4% of the state’s population. These individuals contribute significantly to the state’s economy, with undocumented immigrants paying an estimated $588 million in state and local taxes in Florida each year. Additionally, industries such as agriculture, tourism, and construction, which are heavily dependent on immigrant labor, generate billions of dollars in revenue for the state.

By limiting access to education and employment opportunities for undocumented immigrants, the SB 1718 bill is likely to create labor shortages and disrupt these industries. This will have a ripple effect on the state’s economy, potentially causing a downturn in business and employment opportunities. A study by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy estimates that the loss of undocumented workers in Florida could result in a $1.6 billion decline in state GDP.

It is important to note that America’s growth has been built on diversity and immigrants. Throughout its history, the United States has been a beacon of hope for people from all over the world seeking a better life. Immigrants have contributed to the growth and prosperity of this country, and many of its greatest achievements have been made possible by the contributions of immigrants. By restricting access to education and employment opportunities for undocumented immigrants, the SB 1718 bill goes against these fundamental values and undermines the country’s potential for growth and prosperity.

Governor DeSantis’ actions are not limited to the SB 1718 bill. He has been criticized for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, including his opposition to mask mandates and vaccine requirements. Additionally, he has been accused of pandering to far-right groups and promoting policies that are divisive and harmful to minority communities.

Unfortunately, the SB 1718 bill and Governor DeSantis’ actions may be just the beginning. Other states such as Tennessee, Mississippi, Missouri, and others may follow in Florida’s footsteps, further marginalizing and harming vulnerable communities. It is up to the citizens of these states and the country as a whole to speak out against these inhumane policies and demand better from their elected officials.

It is also worth noting that Governor DeSantis’ own family has a history of immigration. His grandfather was an immigrant from Italy who worked as a laborer in Pennsylvania before moving to Florida. This highlights the hypocrisy of DeSantis’ actions and underscores the importance of recognizing the contributions of immigrants to American society.

