Push Tattoos with Oba Jackson in Wilmington, Delaware

Nailah Lovell نائلة
1 min readMar 15, 2021

sound mood: Super Rich Kids Frank Ocean F, Earl Sweatshirt

Fashion, art, and tattoos sound like an r&b group that always tends to go together and in this case, that statement would be deemed true.

When we think Delaware we think Joe Biden or if you are a business owner you think tax-friendly state. You wouldn’t think an African American successful tattoo shop owner, and that’s where Mr. Oba Jackson changed that narrative with Push Tattoo Wilmington, DE.

Oba saw a lack of representation in the Delaware area for people of color and women in the tattoo career field and took action. He saw a gap and he filled it he was cognisant that people of color showcase and appreciate art and tattoos on a global level and wanted to bring that attention to Wilmington.

During our conversation, we spoke with Oba about fashion, tattoo culture, equality and rights for all people, expansion, and more.

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Originally published at https://www.subjectthreadpodcast.com.

